Sheriasoft LPM Features

Sheriasoft brings the resources of your entire office with you to the courthouse, to client meetings, on an airplane, at a coffee shop, and to your home. It’s amazing how much out-of-the-office “downtime” suddenly becomes productive.

Task Management

Task Management module allows you to easily build your to-do lists, Delegate a task to single or multiple team members, monitor the progress of a task completion and get alerted for overdue tasks.

Contacts Management

Easily create new contacts and categorize them into groups. Search through a large database of contacts. Get more information on the linked matters, invoices and quotations of a specific contact .

Time Tracking

Our inbuilt time tracking technology lets you track all time spent on a matter, task or any other activity. These time entries are linked to your matters so that you can keep them organized and generate bills quickly.

Document Management

Automagically manage your documents and collaborate securely – anytime, anywhere. Automatically manage your documents and collaborate securely – anytime, anywhere. Organize all your documents and never lose track of them. Get more productive, work on them anytime, anywhere. Never worry about security and confidentiality with granular access controls.


Our fast reporting capabilities allow you to produce reports in real-time, saving time for analysis and action. Generate reports at anytime in downloadable format for additional processing.

Conflict Search

With the click of a button, you can search for any conflict of interest with your existing business before signing up new clients. LPMS searches through all your existing matters and contacts to find any sort of conflict.

Matter Management

Centralize Matter details such as notes, file status, documents, appointments, progress, invoices and tasks. LPMS’ s versatility means that it can adapt to any practice area.

Quick & Easy Billing

LPMS allows you to Keep track of your billable time and expenses, Generate invoices in 1 click, Manage trust and operating accounts, send invoices via email.

Permission Control

With user roles and permission control, you can choose which users or groups can access certain parts of the software.

Audit Trail

LPMS activity feed tracks all the changes that happen within the software. This detailed listing informs you of who did what and when they did so. From new documents, tasks, matters to time entries, everything is captured in Activity Feed.

Try It Now

30 days FREE Trial to get you up to speed in digitizing your legal operations.


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